

Modern dentistry is no longer imaginable without the use of a microscope. In order to get the most accurate and high quality dental procedures, we use different image enhancers in our clinic.


Image-enlarging measures make it possible to diagnose dental and gum diseases that are simply invisible to the eye – so we can do the treatment conservatively until the disease has not spread. Then the procedures will be simpler and cheaper.


Enhancement provides our dentists an opportunity to use modern materials with the most precision and quality, so that the results of the work are aesthetic and long-lasting.


One of the tools are special goggles, which magnify the image from two to six times. These goggles make it possible to perform dental filling and other aesthetic procedures with minimal invasiveness, which results in the appearance of natural teeth and long-lasting dental restorations.


Cases when image magnification is needed:

  • Root canal localisation and precise preparation, treatment of previous treatment complications;
  • Early caries diagnosis;
  • Determination of cracks and splits of the tooth;
  • Particularly accurate tooth grinding is the way to prepare the teeth for prosthesis.